Malayalam news anchor Hashmi Taj Ibrahim, known for his passionate delivery of opinions on his show Encounter , unleashed a powerful monologue in defence of his colleague Vineetha VG, recently named in a bizarre case. The drama unfolded on December 23, 2023 after Vineetha, simply reporting on a protest where a shoe was hurled at Pinarayi Vijayan’s vehicle, found herself accused of conspiring against Pinarayi. This absurdity ignited a wave of outrage among journalists, culminating in Hashmi's electrifying on-camera address. “Phone call snippets and flimsy accusations? That's not how you silence us,” Hashmi said. “Vineetha is one of us, and we stand by her.” He challenged the authorities: “If you are doing this only to scare us – knowing well that the case is a sham and will fail miserably in the court – register 100 cases, not just one. We are not going to cut off our tongues and place them in baskets to do your bidding.” Ironically, Hashmi is a former leader of the Student...
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