
Showing posts from November, 2023

Sorry Twitter, the ‘leaked’ video of Rajdeep, Rahul Kanwal and Pradeep Gupta was staged

Since last night’s exit polls weren’t chaotic enough, here’s a new twist in the tale. If you spent some time on X this morning, or you’re part of friendly family WhatsApp groups, you might have already watched this video. Rajdeep is shocked to see BJP winning MP. Tells Pradeep Gupta to better be careful with the numbers. Why's @SardesaiRajdeep unhappy? — Ankur Singh (@iAnkurSingh) November 30, 2023 It shows India Today anchors Rahul Kanwal and Rajdeep Sardesai with master pollster Pradeep Gupta of Axis My India sitting around a table. Shot from just below the table, Sardesai tells Gupta he needs to “look at these numbers again” because “it’s going to create a shock”. Gupta says he’s now getting “goosebumps”. “Every state that you’re showing me is the opposite of what we’ve been hearing so far!” Sardesai says. “...We cannot afford to get this wrong. You’d better be careful with these numbers, Pradeep, because as Rahul says, this is going to c...

मिजोरम विधानसभा चुनाव 2023: क्या कहते हैं एग्जिट पोल्स के नतीजे?

गत 7 नवंबर को मिजोरम की 40 विधानसभा सीटों के लिए मतदान किया गया. इसके परिणाम 3 दिसंबर को आएंगे, लेकिन उससे पहले एग्जिट पोल्स के नतीजे आ गए हैं. मिजोरम में इस बार 78.48 प्रतिशत मतदान दर्ज किया गया.  वर्तमान में यहां मिज़ो नेशनल फ्रंट (एमएनएफ) की सरकार है. साल 2018 के विधानसभा चुनावों में भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा) को 1, भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस (कांग्रेस) को 4, एमएनएफ को 27 और अन्य को 8 सीटों पर जीत मिली थी.       इस बार के चुनाव में मिज़ो नेशनल फ्रंट (एमएनएफ) और ज़ोरम पीपुल्स मूवमेंट (ज़ेडपीएम) के बीच कड़ा मुकाबला माना जा रहा है. एग्जिट पोल के नतीजों की मानें तो इस बार प्रदेश में गठबंधन की सरकार बनती नजर आ रही है. आइए मिजोरम के लिए आए विभिन्न एग्जिट पोल्स पर एक नजर डालते हैं.  एक्सिस- माई इंडिया- आज तक एग्जिट पोल के मुताबिक , ज़ेडपीएम की सरकार में जोरदार तरीके से वापसी हो रही है. यहां पार्टी को 28 से 35 तक सीटें मिल रही हैं. वहीं, सत्तारूढ़ एमएनएफ को मात्र 3 से 7 सीटें मिल रही हैं. कांग्रेस पार्टी को 2 से 4 सीट और भाजपा को 2 तक सीटों पर जीत मिल...

‘Acute embarrassment’, ‘India must come clean’: Editorials on alleged plot to assassinate Pannun

In a story straight from a B-grade Bollywood movie, the US this week alleged that an Indian government official was involved in a plot to assassinate Sikh separatist leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun in New York. An Indian national, Nikhil Gupta, has now been arrested and charged with “murder for hire”. The US said that at the Indian government official’s direction, Gupta purportedly contracted a middleman and a hitman to “murder” Pannun, both of whom turned out to be undercover officers. Charges have now been filed against Gupta in court. India’s Ministry of External Affairs called the allegations a “matter of concern” and “contrary to government policy”. The US’s charges come weeks after Canada in September said India was linked to the murder of Canada-based Khalistani activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar. Several newspaper editorials remarked on the seriousness of the charges.  The Hindu today, in an editorial headlined “A lot at stake”, said the 15-page indictment indicates Amer...

Telangana polls: Congress and BJP unite in criticism of KCR’s Dharani portal

In a move to digitally record and maintain land administration data in Telangana, the Bharat Rashtra Samithi government had introduced the Dharani portal in 2020.  Nearly three years later, the portal has become a point of contention between the governing party and the opposition, particularly the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party, due to discrepancies which have cropped up and caused an inconvenience to citizens. The Congress has promised to replace the entire system calling it corrupt. Ironically, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao had launched the portal with the aim to combat corruption within the Revenue Department and bring transparency in land transactions.  Both Congress and the BJP, in their respective manifestos, have promised to do away with the Dharani portal. The Congress has said it will replace it with the ‘Bhumata’ portal, while the BJP proposed the implementation of the ‘Mee Bhoomi’ portal, meaning that both want to replace and maintain some ...

रोज़नामचा: अगले पांच सालों तक गरीबों को मुफ्त अनाज और मणिपुर में बागियों ने डाले हथियार 

हिंदी के प्रमुख अख़बारों ने आज एक नहीं बल्कि अलग-अलग ख़बरों को पहली सुर्खी बनाया है. किसी ने केंद्रीय कैबिनेट के फैसलों तो किसी ने मणिपुर के प्रतिबंंधित समूह द्वारा शांति समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए जाने को पहली सुर्खी बनाया है. वहीं, कुछ अख़बारों ने उत्तराखंड में सुरंग हादसे के शिकार मजदूरों से प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा बातचीत किए जाने को पहली सुर्खी बनाया है.  आइए आज के प्रमुख अख़बारों की अन्य सुर्खियों पर भी एक नज़र डालते हैं. लेकिन उससे पहले अगर आप रोज़नामचा को अपने ई-मेल पर पाना चाहते हैं तो यहां क्लिक करें.  हिंदुस्तान अख़बार ने गरीबों को मुफ्त राशन योजना को पांच साल और बढ़ाए जाने  को पहली सुर्खी बनाया है. ख़बर के मुताबिक, तेलंगाना विधानसभा चुनाव के लिए मतदान से ठीक एक दिन पहले सरकार ने प्रधानमंत्री गरीब कल्याण अन्न योजना को अगले पांच वर्षों के लिए बढ़ा दिया है. इसके तहत सरकार करीब 81.35 करोड़ लाभार्थियों को नि:शुल्क खाद्यान्न उपलब्ध कराएगी. प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की अध्यक्षता में हुई केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल की बैठक में यह निर्णय लिया गया. बैठक के बाद सूचना एवं प्र...

‘Even after Pranshu died, people are writing hateful comments,’ says Pranshu’s mother

“Even after my child has passed away, people are continuing to comment on his reel, calling him crazy and saying that it is good that he has died,” said Preeti Yadav. “But my child was not crazy. My small child was so talented that he was giving competition to big-time makeup artists. How can you judge him? He is just a kid.” On November 21, 16-year-old Pranshu, a queer makeup artist, died by suicide in their home in Ujjain. Pranshu ran an Instagram page called @glamitupwithpranshu, with over 35,000 followers. Nine days before, Pranshu had uploaded a video on Instagram. It featured Pranshu in a shirt before shifting to Pranshu in a saree, wearing gold jewellery and makeup. The video attracted thousands of hateful comments, bullying Pranshu for looking and acting “feminine”. The post currently has over 50,000 comments, and the hate continued after Pranshu’s death as well. Such as “if he remained a boy, he would not have died” and “I am not sad, trans people in India have increased, t...

Citing PTI, newspapers and media houses publish AI-generated image of tunnel rescue

The big news last night was the successful rescue of the 41 workers stuck in Uttarakhand’s Silkyara tunnel, 17 days after they got trapped. The nightly return of the workers made headlines across media outlets and made it to the front pages of almost every newspaper in the country.  Even as photos of the rescue teams populated social media, three newspapers – Hindustan Times , The New Indian Express and Marathi daily Loksatta – made the bewildering choice to print an AI-generated photo of the operation in their editions today. All three credited news agency PTI for the photograph. Hindustan Times used an AI generated image of the Tunnel Rescue posted by a random twitter account and added caption as ‘rescue official pose….’ The state of “journalism” in this country. — Cow Momma (@Cow__Momma) November 29, 2023 While HT and Loksatta carried the photo in their inside pages, TNIE had a cropped version of it on page 1. TNIE carried the photogra...

रोज़नामचा: हिंदी के अख़बारों में आज एक ही सुर्खी- टनल खुली, जिंदगी खिली

हिंदी के ज्यादातर प्रमुख अख़बारों ने आज एक ही ख़बर को पहली सुर्खी बनाया है. उत्तराखंड की सुरंग में दिवाली के दिन से फंसे मजदूरों को सुरक्षित बाहर निकाल लिए जाने को सभी अख़बारों ने पहले पन्ने पर जगह दी है.  आइए आज के प्रमुख अख़बारों की अन्य सुर्खियों पर भी एक नज़र डालते हैं. लेकिन उससे पहले अगर आप रोज़नामचा को अपने ई-मेल पर पाना चाहते हैं तो यहां क्लिक करें.  हिंदुस्तान की पहली ख़बर का शीर्षक है- ‘मौत के मुंह से सभी 41 श्रमिकों की वापसी’. ख़बर के मुताबिक, 17 दिनों की लंबी जद्दोजहद के बाद सभी श्रमिकों को बचा लिया गया. वहीं, मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी ने सभी श्रमिकों को 1-1 लाख रुपये की आर्थिक सहायता दी जाएगी.  दिल्ली के मुख्य सचिव का कार्यकाल बढ़ाए जाने पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट द्वारा सख्ती दिखाए जाने को भी अख़बार ने प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित किया है. ख़बर के मुताबिक, सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने केंद्र से पूछा कि क्या उनके पास कोई और अधिकारी नहीं है? शीर्ष अदालत ने केंद्र से यह सवाल तब किया जब केंद्र ने अदालत को बताया कि वह मुख्य सचिव के कार्यकाल विस्तार पर विचार कर रही है.  इसके अलाव...

How Patanjali rode on the shoulders of Big Media

On television, we’ve seen Baba Ramdev contort, stretch, do headstands, and walk on his hands. We’ve seen him compete in push-up contests with students, and close his eyes dramatically when shown a photograph of a Bollywood actress wearing a bikini.  And we’ve seen all this on India’s leading news channels, like India TV , Zee News , ABP , Aaj Tak , News18 India , Republic , India TV and TV9 . They’re also platforms for Ramdev to dismiss allopathy and complain about “medical tourism” – not only through his statements but through a plethora of ads from his company, Patanjali Ayurved. Even the Supreme Court seems to have noticed. Last week, it directed Patanjali to immediately stop its “false and misleading advertisements”. The court threatened to impose costs of Rs 1 crore for every false claim made in Patanjali’s ads. But it isn’t that simple. Patanjali is one of the biggest advertisers on TV. A report by Tam Media Research in August this year found that it’s the third highest ...

Rajasthan polls: Dainik Bhaskar publishes, and swiftly deletes, story on ‘red diary’

Two weeks ago, Dainik Bhaskar published an “exclusive” story on its website. The headline said “ Rajasthan meih charchit laal diary ke chaar panne saamne aaye ”, loosely translating to “four more pages of Rajasthan’s much-talked about red diary revealed”. The “red diary”, according to the BJP, purportedly contains the Congress party’s “dark secrets”. It was first mentioned in July this year.  Dainik Bhaskar ’s story, published on November 14, claimed Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot’s son, Vaibhav Gehlot, believed the Congress wouldn’t return to power and that Gehlot senior “is the reason for it”. Vaibhav is a Congress member and chairman of the Rajasthan Cricket Association.  Newslaundry cannot authenticate the contents of this purported diary. Hours later, the report was taken down from Dainik Bhaskar ’s website and mobile app. It did not appear in print. The original link redirects to the website. Then, on November 20, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a rally in P...

Assembly Elections 2023: Watch Dhanya, Sudipto and Manisha break down key issues so far

It’s the final week of assembly elections for the year. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram and Chhattisgarh already cast their votes, with Telangana’s turn coming up on November 30. Results for all five states will be declared on December 3. With teams from Newslaundry and The News Minute on the ground for the past month, we got Dhanya Rajendran, Sudipto Mondal and Manisha Pande live on YouTube to break down what they saw. From mood on the ground to the issues that matter to voters, they tell you everything you need to know. Watch. We’ve also got you covered once the results trickle in. Newslaundry is partnering with The News Minute , The Wire , Scroll and The Caravan to cut through the noise and drama to tell you what’s happening. Join us at 8 am on December 3. Click here to power #ResultsWithIndependentMedia. source

‘People’s voices must be heard’: Hyderabad rapper Safder Ali who spotlights issues of Old City

Musician Safder Ali uses his rap to spotlight Hyderabad Old City’s underdevelopment. By sharing videos on his Facebook page, “Old City ka Awaz,” which translates to “reality of Old City”, he hopes to bring attention to the real problems of the area that are overshadowed by the discussions about its history and landmarks. Ali aims to raise voter awareness on issues like unemployment and underdeveloped infrastructure. He makes comparisons with what he refers to as the “New City”, highlighting the thriving IT hubs.  He says: “People’s voices from the Old City should be heard…Whoever wins or loses, people of the Old City should win.”  Watch. This report has been published as part of the joint NL-TNM Election Fund and is supported by hundreds of readers. Click here to power our ground reports. BJP’s Hindutva push in Telangana: Bhagyalakshmi temple, promise to rename Hyderabad Telangana elections: What’s on the mind of Hyderabad’s young voters? Is Hyderabad’s transformation...

Nizam Sugar Factory revival: Why 3 Telangana farmers are taking on KCR in Gajwel

Since 2015, all three units of Telangana’s Nizam Sugar Factory, once the largest in Asia, have remained shut. But whenever sugarcane farmers raise questions about the revival of the factory, they are told not to ask anything. Incensed by these responses, three members of farmers’ organisation Rythu Aikya Vedi — Mamidi Narayana Reddy, Baddam Srinivas Reddy, and Navnandi Limba Reddy — have filed nominations from the Gajwel seat for the upcoming assembly elections. They have decided to challenge Bharat Rashtra Samithi president and Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to bring to attention the issues faced by sugarcane farmers.  The Nizam Sugar Factory was established at Bodhan in Nizamabad in 1938 by Mir Osman Ali Khan, the last Nizam of Hyderabad. The factory has two additional units at Metpally in Jagtial and Mumbojipally in Medak. In 2002, the Telugu Desam Party government of undivided Andhra Pradesh sold 51 percent shares in the factory to Deccan Papers Limited. It was ...

‘Nothing we could do but move with the crowd’: Eyewitnesses on Kochi college stampede

It was meant to be a night of celebrations for the students of the School of Engineering at the Cochin University of Science and Technology.  Saturday, November 25, was the second day of Dhishna, an annual tech fest organised by students and faculty of COE. Open to the public, it involved exhibitions put up by various departments with a cultural event at the end of each day. After the day’s events on Saturday, students from SOE and other participating institutions had congregated at the University’s main auditorium for a concert by Bollywood singer Nikhita Gandhi. But events turned tragic after a stampede resulted in four deaths and over 60 injured. The four who died are all CUSAT students : Athul Thampi from Koothattukulam, Ann Rifta from North Paravur, Sarah Thomas from Thamarassery, and Albin Joseph from Palakkad. The News Minute visited the campus and spoke to eyewitnesses to piece together what had happened. Auditorium at lower level According to a professor at SOE, Dhi...

रोज़नामचा: ऑपरेशन जिंदगी का 16वां दिन और चीन में बीमारी भारत में अलर्ट

हिंदी के प्रमुख अख़बारों ने आज एक नहीं बल्कि अलग-अलग ख़बरों को पहले पन्ने पर जगह दी है. कई अख़बारों ने उत्तरकांशी की सुरंग में फंसे 41 मजदूरों की ख़बर को पहली सुर्खी बनाया है तो वहीं कई अख़बारों ने पीएम मोदी के मासिक कार्यक्रम मन की बात को प्रमुखता से छापा है.  आइए आज के प्रमुख अख़बारों की अन्य सुर्खियों पर भी एक नज़र डालते हैं. लेकिन उससे पहले अगर आप रोज़नामचा को अपने ई-मेल पर पाना चाहते हैं तो यहां क्लिक करें. हिंदुस्तान अख़बार ने सुरंग में फंसे 41 मजदूरों से जुड़ी ख़बर को पहली सुर्खी बनाया है. ख़बर के मुताबिक, उत्तरकाशी के सिलक्यारा सुरंग में फंसे श्रमिकों को बचाने के लिए भारतीय सेना की ‘कोर ऑफ इंजीनियर्स’  के समूह ‘मद्रास सैपर्स’ की टीम भी रविवार को बचाव अभियान में जुट गई. इस बीच सुरंग के ऊपर से खुदाई का काम शुरू कर दिया गया है. श्रमिकों तक पहुंचने के लिए कुल पांच योजनाओं पर काम जारी है. बचाव कार्य में जुटी एजेंसियों का सबसे ज्यादा जोर अब भी पाइप में फंसी ऑगर मशीन को निकालने पर है. इसके बाद आगे की खुदाई मैनुअल तरीके से करके श्रमिकों तक पहुंच जाएंगे. चीन में बच्चों में त...

‘Why does Telangana need a farmhouse CM?’: Ahead of polls, Modi mocks KCR

In a veiled reference to leaders of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned on Sunday, November 26, that leaders from Telangana who are involved in the Delhi liquor scam will not be able to escape, guaranteeing that “such leaders will go to jail”.  The PM was addressing an election rally at Toopran in Medak district of Telangana, where he specifically attacked BRS supremo and Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, popularly known as KCR, alleging that his family members were facing investigations for corruption.  At the rally, Modi also censured the Congress for not having many chief ministers from the Backward Class community, and reiterated the Bharatiya Janata Party’s promise that if it comes to power in Telangana, a BC leader will be the CM.  “They [BC communities] did not get such a chance, which is why the BJP has promised that it will give Telangana its first BC chief minister. BJP will bring social justice,” he said.  The PM...

Daily Dose Ep 1515: PM Modi’s sortie in Tejas, BJP complaint against Rahul Gandhi

Sukrit Kumar brings you the news from Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan and Gaza.  Produced by Prashant Kumar, edited by Hassan Bilal.  source

Reporters Without Orders Ep 298: KCR’s Dalit-centric promises, land woes in Jharkhand

This week, host Tanishka Sodhi is joined by Sukriti Vats from Land Conflict Watch and E Bhavani from The News Minute . Sukriti talks about her report on land acquisition in Jharkhand for coal mining, and how even 22 years on, many are running from pillar-to-post for land compensation. She discusses that bureaucratic incompetence and a tussle between the centre and the state have resulted in the displacement of nearly 87,000 people in Jharkhand since 1973. Bhavani delves into her report on Dalit-centred schemes introduced by Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, and their poor implementation which might work against him in the assembly polls. She talks about the political undercurrent among the Dalit activists of the state.   Tune in. Timecodes 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:05:05 - KCR’s unfulfilled promises 00:13:53 - Land acquisition in Jharkhand 00:29:52 - Recommendations Recommendations Sukriti The Fall of the House of Usher Bhavani A movie on Razaka...

रोज़नामचा: अडाणी के खिलाफ जांच पर फैसला सुरक्षित और 13वें दिन फिर रुका मजदूरों को बचाने का अभियान

हिंदी के प्रमुख अख़बारों ने आज एक नहीं बल्कि अलग-अलग ख़बरों को प्राथमिकता दी है. किसी ने उत्तराखंड में सुरंग में फंसे मजदूरों को बचाने के लिए चलाए जा रहे रेस्क्यू ऑपरेशन तो किसी ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट द्वारा अडाणी के खिलाफ जांच की मांग वाली याचिकाओं पर फैसला सुरक्षित रखने को पहली सुर्खी बनाया है. वहीं, कुछ अख़बारों ने दिल्ली में वायु प्रदूषण के बढ़ने तो कुछ ने सीमा पार से आतंकियों के भारत आने को पहली सुर्खी बनाया है.  आइए आज के प्रमुख अख़बारों की अन्य सुर्खियों पर भी एक नज़र डालते हैं. लेकिन उससे पहले अगर आप रोज़नामचा को अपने ई-मेल पर पाना चाहते हैं तो यहां क्लिक करें. हिंदुस्तान अख़बार ने नवंबर में नौवीं बार वायु गुणवत्ता गंभीर श्रेणी में रहने को पहली सुर्खी बनाया है. ख़बर के मुताबिक, प्रदूषण के कारण दिल्ली का औसत वायु गुणवत्ता सूचकांक शुक्रवार को 415 अंक रहा. वहीं, सात इलाकों में प्रदूषण अत्यंत गंभीर श्रेणी में दर्ज किया गया. नवंबर महीने ये नौवीं बार है जब वायु गुणवत्ता सूचकांक 400 अंक से ऊपर पहुंच गया. नवंबर के 24 दिनों में एक दिन भी ऐसा नहीं रहा जब वायु गुणवत्ता सूचकांक 200 अंक से ...